

  • Shellfish like oysters
  • Nuts such as cashews and almonds
  • Dark green leafy greens
  • Black pepper
  • Cocoa
  • Yeast
  • Copper cooking equipment



Toxicity is more common than deficiency. Rarely do my prescriptions include copper. I would need blood testing to confirm deficiency before I would recommend anyone take copper.



  • Copper is a building block for ceruloplasmin. Ceruloplasmin is needed for proper iron absorption. If you are having trouble absorbing iron ask your doctor to check your copper and ceruloplasmin levels.
  • Energy production - builds red blood cells
  • Immunity - builds white blood cells needed to ward off invaders
  • Copper conducts your nerves signals, much like how we use copper in industry
  • Copper plays an important role in maintaining collagen and elastin, major structural components of our bodies, need to prevent sagging skin, keep bones strong and joints healthy.
  • Copper is needed for healthy skin and deficiency has been linked with depigmentation of the skin.



  • Copper and zinc work in ratio with each other and too much of one knocks the other one around. Elevated Copper and low zinc are linked with estrogen dominance. Estrogen dominance enhances the growth of reproductive tissues, eg fibroids, polyps, endometriosis.
  • Too much zinc and not enough copper may be linked to elevated cholesterol and cardiovascular disease.
  • Elevated copper is linked with depression, social withdrawal, anxiety and memory issues
  • Copper imbalances are also possible causes of central nervous system issues like Multiple Sclerosis.
  • Maybe linked with the development of diabetes


Medication interactions:

There are currently 32 known drug interactions with copper. As copper is rarely prescribed I haven’t added the individual drugs here. If you are on copper or thinking about starting copper, check that your prescribing health care professional has looked up its potential interactions.


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