The Importance of Amino Acids for Aging Muscle

muscle nutrition Jul 21, 2024

As we age, maintaining muscle health becomes increasingly important for preserving mobility, strength, and overall quality of life. Amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, play a crucial role in maintaining and enhancing muscle health,...

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The Midlife Health Benefits of Beetroot

Beetroot has been touted as being one of the healthiest vegetables with many health benefits relevant to my fellow midlife women.

Here in Australia and the UK, we call the taproot section of the beet plant beetroot but in North America, this has...

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Glycine: A Powerful Amino Acid for Midlife Women's Health


Glycine, classified as a non-essential amino acid, holds significant importance for women navigating the challenges of midlife. While the body can produce some glycine, my clinical experience reveals that many women may not produce...

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The Health Benefits of Coriander during Menopause

nutrition Jan 14, 2024

Coriander or you may know it as Cilantro is the most common culinary herb used worldwide. The good news for you is that it has some interesting health benefits that could be useful for this time of life.

Internationally coriander is the name for...

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The Health Benefits of Garlic in Menopause

Garlic not only gives flavour to our food but also medicinal value to our meals. It is an easy and tasting addition to your plate that has a myriad of health benefits.


Medicinally garlic is called Allium sativum, but it has a long list of...

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Midlife Health Benefits of Rosemary

Rosemary has a long history of medicinal use, the ancient Egyptians, Romans, and Greeks all loved this herb. These days it's cultivated in most parts of the world and many of you can grow it yourself. (The image is from my garden)



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The Health Benefits of Ginger at Menopause

Ginger may not be the first culinary herb you think of to help ease your menopausal symptoms, but maybe it should be due to its ability to reduce acute symptoms such as nausea and hot flushes as well as chronic issues like painful arthritis and...

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Super Seeds

nutrition Nov 03, 2022

Edible seeds are a powerhouse of nutrients, brimming with potential. They are so easy and versatile to use and best of all they are an easy dietary additions that brings with them many great health benefits while adding to the flavour of your...

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Midlife Depletion

Feeling depleted at midlife? Nutritional deficiency is currently at an all-time high.

There are 6 crucial nutrients that the body needs to be healthy. I think of the body as a house, you can’t build a house without a solid foundation and you...

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The Role of Diet in the Menopausal Transition

nutrition Apr 12, 2022

Foods play a role in either making or breaking the ease of your Menopausal Transition. Discussed will be 3 foods to avoid and 3 foods to increase at this stage of life and why.


There are many food-based hot flush triggers, the most...

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