Lions Mane "the Smart Mushroom" for Menopause

Lion’s Mane is a culinary mushroom with a long history of use in traditional Asian medicine. If you are looking for ways to support your moods, and cognition during your menopausal transition this may be for you.


Lion's mane, I...

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Histamine Intolerance

Histamine intolerance is a prevalent issue for many woman, particularly in midlife, and it can significantly impact daily comfort and well-being. The hormonal shifts, stress levels, and changes in digestive health that often occur during this...

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The Midlife Health Benefits of Beetroot

Beetroot has been touted as being one of the healthiest vegetables with many health benefits relevant to my fellow midlife women.

Here in Australia and the UK, we call the taproot section of the beet plant beetroot but in North America, this has...

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Walking for Menopause Symptom Relief

Regular physical activity, such as walking, can have several positive effects on overall health, including potential benefits for the menopausal transition.

Why walking? Because walking is free, available everywhere, and has a really low risk of...

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Glycine: A Powerful Amino Acid for Midlife Women's Health


Glycine, classified as a non-essential amino acid, holds significant importance for women navigating the challenges of midlife. While the body can produce some glycine, my clinical experience reveals that many women may not produce...

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Laughter as Medicine in Menopause


 Did you know it is thought that the average child laughs about 400 times a day, but the average adult only laughs about 15 times a day? I think George Burns said it best when he said


“You don’t stop laughing because...

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Sunshine Therapy for a Healthier Menopausal Transition


Humans evolved with the sun. Our ancestors spent most of their lives outside. The sun helped to provide warmth and rhythm to their days.

Our planet also needs the sun, it plays a crucial role in providing light, weather, climate, seasons,...

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Vitamin D and your Menopausal Transition

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that is a part of the fat-soluble vitamin family. 

Vitamin D receptors can be found in every single cell in the body, hence it's wide-ranging effects.  It plays a role in over 200 processes in the...

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The Health Benefits of Ginger at Menopause

Ginger may not be the first culinary herb you think of to help ease your menopausal symptoms, but maybe it should be due to its ability to reduce acute symptoms such as nausea and hot flushes as well as chronic issues like painful arthritis and...

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Discovering the path back to happiness at midlife

mood stress Feb 06, 2023

Midlife can be a troubling time for most of us, but there are things we can do to brighten our day and help us rediscover our smile.

Today we examine 8 different lifestyle habits that may help pick you back up.



The best thing...

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