Histamine Intolerance

Histamine intolerance is a prevalent issue for many woman, particularly in midlife, and it can significantly impact daily comfort and well-being. The hormonal shifts, stress levels, and changes in digestive health that often occur during this...

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Laughter as Medicine in Menopause


 Did you know it is thought that the average child laughs about 400 times a day, but the average adult only laughs about 15 times a day? I think George Burns said it best when he said


“You don’t stop laughing because...

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Sunshine Therapy for a Healthier Menopausal Transition


Humans evolved with the sun. Our ancestors spent most of their lives outside. The sun helped to provide warmth and rhythm to their days.

Our planet also needs the sun, it plays a crucial role in providing light, weather, climate, seasons,...

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The Health Benefits of Reading

cognition lifestyle stress May 15, 2023

Did you know there are health benefits linked with being a regular book reader?


When did you last pick up a book?


I think most of us fall into 3 different camps, we either aren’t into reading, loved reading as a kid but...

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Discovering the path back to happiness at midlife

mood stress Feb 06, 2023

Midlife can be a troubling time for most of us, but there are things we can do to brighten our day and help us rediscover our smile.

Today we examine 8 different lifestyle habits that may help pick you back up.



The best thing...

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What does the Vagus Nerve have to do with Menopause?

lifestyle stress May 31, 2022

The sensation of feeling stressed comes from our autonomic nervous system. This includes our Sympathetic Nervous System (you might know this as your fight or flight response), the Parasympathetic Nervous System (The rest, digest, and repair...

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Shatavari is more than a libido herb.

Shatavari is the most popular Ayurvedic herb used for the menopausal transition. Ayurvedic medicine is possibly the oldest treatment system in the world, originating from India. The first recorded use of Shatavari dates back to 1500BC in the Rig...

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The Health Benefits of Earthing

energy mood pain sleep stress Aug 04, 2021

Did you know Earthing can help improve sleep, reduce pain and inflammation, balance immunity, lift mood, minimize your stress response, and more? It sounds like the perfect remedy for many women's menopausal transition.

Earthing is all about...

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The Most Important Dietary Change To Make In Menopause

I'm often asked what is the most important dietary change I should start with at this stage of life.

This is a tricky question but in most cases, it’s removing sugar from the diet.


Sugar is the perfect toxin, it sweet to taste and...

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Is it Stress or is it Menopause?

stress Jan 28, 2021

Have you ever wondered why some women just breeze through menopause, while the rest of us struggle through?

One of the biggest differences between women who have menopausal symptoms and those that don't can be related to the amount of stress the...

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