Lions Mane "the Smart Mushroom" for Menopause

Lion’s Mane is a culinary mushroom with a long history of use in traditional Asian medicine. If you are looking for ways to support your moods, and cognition during your menopausal transition this may be for you.


Lion's mane, I...

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Histamine Intolerance

Histamine intolerance is a prevalent issue for many woman, particularly in midlife, and it can significantly impact daily comfort and well-being. The hormonal shifts, stress levels, and changes in digestive health that often occur during this...

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Walking for Menopause Symptom Relief

Regular physical activity, such as walking, can have several positive effects on overall health, including potential benefits for the menopausal transition.

Why walking? Because walking is free, available everywhere, and has a really low risk of...

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Glycine: A Powerful Amino Acid for Midlife Women's Health


Glycine, classified as a non-essential amino acid, holds significant importance for women navigating the challenges of midlife. While the body can produce some glycine, my clinical experience reveals that many women may not produce...

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Sunshine Therapy for a Healthier Menopausal Transition


Humans evolved with the sun. Our ancestors spent most of their lives outside. The sun helped to provide warmth and rhythm to their days.

Our planet also needs the sun, it plays a crucial role in providing light, weather, climate, seasons,...

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What is the number one health complaint during the menopausal transition?

Would you like to know what the most common menopausal signs and symptoms are? 

There are so many different signs and symptoms of the menopausal transition, Andrea Donskey from Morphus has so far counted 84 of them, and her list is still...

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Black Cohosh

Black Cohosh has a long history of use both by Native Americans and European settlers.  For a herb with such as long history of use, it is certainly misunderstood. It is feared by some and loved by others. 

If we were to consider the...

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Feeling hot, hot, hot. Tips for hot flash relief.

hot flushes sleep Oct 25, 2021

I was recently asked “What’s the best natural product for hot flashes? My answer was well that all depends... I know this isn’t the answer that she wanted to hear and I do apologize for that but it’s the truth. Every woman...

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Vitamin B12 and Menopause

Vitamin B12 is an essential micronutrient that is needed for more bodily processes than you probably realised.

Many of its deficiency signs match those of the menopausal transition so it’s important to determine if your symptoms are...

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The Health Benefits of Earthing

energy mood pain sleep stress Aug 04, 2021

Did you know Earthing can help improve sleep, reduce pain and inflammation, balance immunity, lift mood, minimize your stress response, and more? It sounds like the perfect remedy for many women's menopausal transition.

Earthing is all about...

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