What is the number one health complaint during the menopausal transition?

Would you like to know what the most common menopausal signs and symptoms are? 

There are so many different signs and symptoms of the menopausal transition, Andrea Donskey from Morphus has so far counted 84 of them, and her list is still...

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Power up with Potassium

The women's health initiative study found that over 97% of American post-menopause women are deficient in potassium, let me tell you the rest of the western world would have very similar results.

Did you know one of the leading causes of...

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Premature and Early Menopause

Premature menopause is when you reach menopause prior to the age of 40. Early menopause is when you reach menopause before you reach 45. The average age for menopause is 51 in Western countries. 

Both premature and early menopause can occur...

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Brain Fog, Fatigue and Cellular Health

cognition energy Aug 12, 2022

Did you know the human body has over 37 trillion cells? Each of these cells has a membrane - the membrane has been nicknamed the brain of the cell as it controls a lot of what is happening for the cell. You need a healthy membrane if you want a...

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Cognitive Health

cognition Jul 21, 2022

In the book " The End of Alzheimer's" Dr. Dale Bredesen describes dementia in the patient's brain as being like a house with 36 holes in the roof. There is not one factor to address but many. Patching one hole will still leave a leaky roof....

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Shatavari is more than a libido herb.

Shatavari is the most popular Ayurvedic herb used for the menopausal transition. Ayurvedic medicine is possibly the oldest treatment system in the world, originating from India. The first recorded use of Shatavari dates back to 1500BC in the Rig...

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Vitamin B12 and Menopause

Vitamin B12 is an essential micronutrient that is needed for more bodily processes than you probably realised.

Many of its deficiency signs match those of the menopausal transition so it’s important to determine if your symptoms are...

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Blueberries, the Post Menopause Superfood

Blueberries are super nutritious they contain dietary fibre, vitamins (A, B, C, E), minerals (selenium, zinc, iron, and manganese), and other phytonutrients (resveratrol, beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, flavonoids (anthocyanins), flavanols,...

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Electrolytes, Dehydration and Menopause

Water is the largest component of the human body, representing up to 70% of a healthy young woman, this percentage reduces with age, and a post-menopausal woman may be closer to 55% fluid. 

Independent of menopause, aging has important...

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Mycotherapy for Menopause

Mycotherapy is the use of medicinal mushrooms to improve your health, it plays a key role in Traditional Chinese Medicine but many functional practitioners like myself also use these mushrooms.

It is a factor to consider when looking at the...

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