The Importance of Exercise in your Menopausal Transition

Exercise is essential at every stage of life, and perimenopause/menopause is no exception. 


Here are a few ways exercise can help improve your menopausal transition and benefit your general wellbeing.

  • During our transition, we have a...
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Breathing exercises

Have you ever noticed that when you're relaxed you breathe slower and deeper and when you are stressed you breathe faster, shallower breaths? The simple act of breathing allows us to oxygenate our bodies and calm our minds. 

When you watch a...

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Menopausal Moods


For the majority of women transitioning into menopause, moods can be a struggle. It is more prevalent with women who have a history of anxiety or depression but it can affect anyone. 

Mental health concerns in women tend to peak in...

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Treatment for Hot Flushes

Before you read this article, please read. 

Why am I having Hot Flushes: Part 1 

Why am I having Hot Flushes: Part 2


Treatment for Hot Flushes

"If menopausal symptoms were due solely to hormonal changes then the menopausal...

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Why am I having Hot Flushes? Part 2 Stress and the Thermoneutral Zone

hormone hot flushes stress May 27, 2019

Many women notice that feeling stressed triggers their hot flushes.  This occurs as the adrenal gland produces extra stress hormones. Cortisol, adrenaline (ephedrine) and noradrenaline (norephedrine). The stress hormone I'm going to focus on...

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Mindfulness Exercises

sleep stress May 20, 2019

Here are 31 mindfulness exercises to help reduce stress and increase your sense of calm. You don’t have to do them all. Pick 1 or 2 different activities to try each week. Repeat the ones that work best for you. Every little activity helps,...

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  • Dark green leafy vegetables - spinach, broccoli
  • Legumes - black beans, kidney beans
  • Nuts and seeds - almonds, cashews
  • Avocado, banana
  • Meat - chicken and beef



Common signs of low magnesium include eye twitches, leg...

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Vitamin C

Food sources:

* Tropical fruit like guava, pawpaw, pineapple, kiwi

* Greens like spinach, Brussel sprouts, and broccoli

* Capsicum, tomato and avocado

* All berries but strawberries are the highest

* Citrus fruit including oranges, lemons,...

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