What's the deal with Salt?

heart nutrition Jan 31, 2022

Do you believe a low salt diet is a healthy diet?

There are those that consume salt liberally and those that go out of their way to avoid it. It’s such a controversial topic.


(Please note that the information discussed...

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Top Menopause Podcasts 2021

Today is an exciting day. Exciting for me anyway, today is my podcast’s 100th episode and I really want to thank you for coming along on this ride with me.

It's hard to believe I started this project in May 2019 and almost 21/2 yrs later I...

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Blueberries, the Post Menopause Superfood

Blueberries are super nutritious they contain dietary fibre, vitamins (A, B, C, E), minerals (selenium, zinc, iron, and manganese), and other phytonutrients (resveratrol, beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, flavonoids (anthocyanins), flavanols,...

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Electrolytes, Dehydration and Menopause

Water is the largest component of the human body, representing up to 70% of a healthy young woman, this percentage reduces with age, and a post-menopausal woman may be closer to 55% fluid. 

Independent of menopause, aging has important...

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Sage "The Saviour"

We have long known about Sage's medicinal properties. Its Latin name is Salvia officinalis. The word Salvia means “to heal”.

Ancient Egyptian and Greek civilisations recognised Sage's healing powers.

During the middle ages, sage was...

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The Health Benefits of Coconut Oil and MCT's

For centuries people living in South East Asia and the Pacific Islands have been praising coconuts as a food source and both an internal and external medicine. They love coconuts so much they fondly called the Coconut tree, “The Tree of Life...

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The Importance of Dietary Fibre during Menopause

nutrition Apr 20, 2021

Are you consuming adequate fibre every day? It’s not very likely you are, looking at American studies, most women are getting just over half of what you need. That is around 15 grams instead of the daily recommendation of 25 grams daily....

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The Most Important Dietary Change To Make In Menopause

I'm often asked what is the most important dietary change I should start with at this stage of life.

This is a tricky question but in most cases, it’s removing sugar from the diet.


Sugar is the perfect toxin, it sweet to taste and...

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Omega 3 and Menopause

Omega 3 is an essential fatty acid that plays a major role in improving your menopausal transition and also your general health. (Essential means you must consume this ingredient in your diet, as your body can not manufacture it.)




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To soy or not to soy?

nutrition Jan 02, 2021

The decision to eat soy containing foods as a phytoestrogen source during the menopausal transition is a controversial one. You will find some sources that recommend it and others don't. Let's break this down.



Soy is a phytoestrogen...

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