Let me tell you about Maggie, she’s a patient of mine and yes I’ve changed her name. She came to see me wanting help with her menopausal transition. Her main concerns included poor stress tolerance with frequent outbursts,...
Water is the largest component of the human body, representing up to 70% of a healthy young woman, this percentage reduces with age, and a post-menopausal woman may be closer to 55% fluid.
Independent of menopause, aging has important...
Iron is an essential mineral for health.
It is a key building block for hemoglobin. The hemoglobin's job is to transports oxygen to your cell. Oxygenated cells can then produce energy and oxygenation also aids in cellular development and...
Minerals are ESSENTIAL building blocks for life. You need to obtain minerals through your diet or supplementation as your body can not produce them. Minerals are so crucial for your health that a deficiency can actually cause disease! Just...
Women often have very similar symptoms during their menopausal transition but very different underlying causes. Testing is the best way to determine why you are feeling the way you are and what individual treatment strategies you...
Before you read this article, please read.
Why am I having Hot Flushes: Part 1
Why am I having Hot Flushes: Part 2
Treatment for Hot Flushes
"If menopausal symptoms were due solely to hormonal changes then the menopausal...
Part 1
The exact mechanism is unknown, but what we do know is, that there is a part in your brain called the hypothalamus, that is responsible for temperature regulation, sex drive, sleep, moods, and memory. This area contains many estrogen...
The selenium content of food depends on whether the crop was grown in selenium-rich or poor soil and whether the animal meats were fed rich or poor...