Menopause Nutrition Basics - Part 1

nutrition Jun 10, 2019

 What should we be eating?

There are few subjects as confusing as nutrition.  Countless diets exist on the market, all contradicting each other. One claims to eat this, the next to avoid that. It’s no wonder people are confused!...

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Treatment for Hot Flushes

Before you read this article, please read. 

Why am I having Hot Flushes: Part 1 

Why am I having Hot Flushes: Part 2


Treatment for Hot Flushes

"If menopausal symptoms were due solely to hormonal changes then the menopausal...

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Why am I having Hot Flushes? Part 2 Stress and the Thermoneutral Zone

hormone hot flushes stress May 27, 2019

Many women notice that feeling stressed triggers their hot flushes.  This occurs as the adrenal gland produces extra stress hormones. Cortisol, adrenaline (ephedrine) and noradrenaline (norephedrine). The stress hormone I'm going to focus on...

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Why am I having hot flushes? Part 1 Estrogen and Estrogen Receptors

Part 1

The exact mechanism is unknown, but what we do know is, that there is a part in your brain called the hypothalamus, that is responsible for temperature regulation, sex drive, sleep, moods, and memory. This area contains many estrogen...

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hormone nutrition May 22, 2019

Menopause SUPERFOOD - Phytoestrogens


Phytoestrogens are compounds found in plants that have an estrogen-like effect in the body. They have a similar shape to oestradiol and have the ability to bind to and activate estrogen receptors. They...

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Heart Health

heart May 22, 2019

The current leading cause of death for women is heart disease. Most heart disease is lifestyle-related. Now is the best time to start reducing your cardiovascular risk factors as lifestyle diseases are preventable and often reversible.



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Thyroid health


Your thyroid gland regulates the body's metabolic rate as well as cardiovascular risk, digestive function, muscle control, brain development, mood, bone turnover, and longevity. What an important organ!


Unfortunately, your thyroid...

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Mindfulness Exercises

sleep stress May 20, 2019

Here are 31 mindfulness exercises to help reduce stress and increase your sense of calm. You don’t have to do them all. Pick 1 or 2 different activities to try each week. Repeat the ones that work best for you. Every little activity helps,...

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bone eye hormone immune skin May 19, 2019


  • Seafood especially oysters
  • Meat and poultry
  • Nuts - cashews, almonds
  • Legumes - chickpeas and kidney beans - although these contain phytates that may prevent zinc absorption



Vegetarians are often deficient as the...

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  • Natural sea salt, e.g., Celtic sea salt is a superfood. It contains 43 trace minerals including sodium in the correct ratio. Table salt or iodised salt are not good options as they have been processed and the other nutrients have been...
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