Fibroids and Peri-Menopause

hormone Sep 03, 2020

Fibroids are common in peri-menopause, it’s estimated up to 80% of all women transiting into menopause have them. The good news is that if you survive through to post-menopause they tend to shrink and self resolve.  But surviving...

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Uncategorized Aug 27, 2020

Xenoestrogens: What they are and how to avoid them.

GUEST BLOGGER:  Jo Lia, Building Biologist


Xeno means foreign and estrogen is the primary female sex hormone. So xenoestrogens are manmade...

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Night Sweats

hormone night sweats sleep Aug 21, 2020

Vasomotor symptoms include hot flushes and night sweats. Most women who experience vasomotor symptoms experience both but what if you are primarily or only experiencing night sweats? 

Did you know there are other causes of night sweats aside...

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The importance of collagen during and after the menopausal transition

bone hair joint muscle oral skin Jul 30, 2020

Collagen is a family of structural proteins. It is found in your skin, bones, tendons, muscles, cartilage, hair, nails, teeth, intestinal lining, blood vessels, and even the cornea of your eye!


Collagen is derived from the Greek word...

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Tips to avoid a hot flush at a special event

Uncategorized Jul 23, 2020

From time to time a special event will come up that you really don't want to have a hot flush at. It could be a work event, a wedding, anniversary, birthday, date etc. 

If you take the time to prepare for this event, it will increase your...

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Does Smoking affect my Menopausal Transition?

lifestyle Jul 02, 2020


Yes, it does!

Smoking promotes an earlier menopause. Smokers start having perimenopausal symptoms one to nine years earlier than non-smokers. The earlier you experience menopause, the more health risks you are exposed to later in life. They...

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Hormonal Constipation

digestion hormone Jun 28, 2020


In the clinic, I see peri-menopausal women struggling with cyclic bowel changes and postmenopausal women also struggling with their digestion. Constipation is an issue I see across the board, but for different reasons. 


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sexual health Jun 14, 2020

Your libido levels change over your lifetime. And it can be multifactorial. 

There are 3 key elements to work on in order to raise your level of desire. These are:

  • the emotional connection from your partner
  • vaginal health
  • hormonal...
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Female Hormone Lifecycle

hormone Jun 05, 2020

It is natural and normal for female hormone levels to fluctuate during one's lifetime.

From birth to puberty we have relatively low levels of reproductive hormones.  This is until puberty starts around the average age of 11. Puberty brings a...

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Vaginal Health during the Menopausal Transition

sexual health vagina May 21, 2020

During the menopausal transition, many women complain about their vaginal health. They may be experiencing general discomfort, itch, redness, stinging, being more prone to tearing and infections.

As your estrogen levels start to decline so does...

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