Menopausal Moods


For the majority of women transitioning into menopause, moods can be a struggle. It is more prevalent with women who have a history of anxiety or depression but it can affect anyone. 

Mental health concerns in women tend to peak in...

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2019 Menopause Survey Results

survey Jun 25, 2019


We surveyed our community of peri-menopausal and menopausal women. These women were asked 6 questions. We hope you find their answers as interesting as we did.


Question 1: Have you seen a Naturopath before? If not, why?

50% answered...

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Initial Testing for Menopause



Women often have very similar symptoms during their menopausal transition but very different underlying causes. Testing is the best way to determine why you are feeling the way you are and what individual treatment strategies you...

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Menopause Diet Checklist

nutrition Jun 10, 2019


  1. It's important to allow your digestive system time to rest and digest. Ideally, there would be a minimum of 12 hours without food every day. This can be easily obtained if you finish dinner before 7 pm and do not have breakfast before 7...
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Menopause Nutrition Basics - Part 3 - Drinks

nutrition Jun 10, 2019



Consider the role of dehydration for a minute. A grape is well hydrated and looks plump, young and healthy, while a dehydrated raisin looks shriveled up and old. The difference is water. How much are you drinking every day? The...

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Menopause Nutrition Basics - Part 2 - Macronutrients

nutrition Jun 10, 2019

 “Let food be thy medicine”

— Hippocrates


Macronutrients: The building blocks of food

There are three main components of food: carbohydrates, protein, and fats.



Carbohydrates are any food that...

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Menopause Nutrition Basics - Part 1

nutrition Jun 10, 2019

 What should we be eating?

There are few subjects as confusing as nutrition.  Countless diets exist on the market, all contradicting each other. One claims to eat this, the next to avoid that. It’s no wonder people are confused!...

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Treatment for Hot Flushes

Before you read this article, please read. 

Why am I having Hot Flushes: Part 1 

Why am I having Hot Flushes: Part 2


Treatment for Hot Flushes

"If menopausal symptoms were due solely to hormonal changes then the menopausal...

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Why am I having Hot Flushes? Part 2 Stress and the Thermoneutral Zone

hormone hot flushes stress May 27, 2019

Many women notice that feeling stressed triggers their hot flushes.  This occurs as the adrenal gland produces extra stress hormones. Cortisol, adrenaline (ephedrine) and noradrenaline (norephedrine). The stress hormone I'm going to focus on...

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Why am I having hot flushes? Part 1 Estrogen and Estrogen Receptors

Part 1

The exact mechanism is unknown, but what we do know is, that there is a part in your brain called the hypothalamus, that is responsible for temperature regulation, sex drive, sleep, moods, and memory. This area contains many estrogen...

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