Ageing Skin and Menopause

skin Oct 22, 2019

Although ageing skin is not a disease or a medical condition that requires treatment. It is something that worries many women and can impact on their self-esteem and mental health.


Hormonal changes during menopause also affect your skin....

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Hair Loss in Menopause

hair Oct 17, 2019

Around 50% of women will experience some form of hair loss during their lifetime, although it's more common later in life.


Hair loss is often accompanied by additional stress, anxiety, and depression for the women involved. This is an...

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The Importance of Exercise during Menopause

lifestyle Oct 10, 2019


Exercise is important at every stage of life and perimenopause/menopause is no exception. 


Look at your current level of activity and see if it needs improving. I know for some of you I am preaching to the converted if this is...

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Blood Sugar Imbalances, Diabetes and the Menopausal Transition

blood sugar Oct 03, 2019

With the reduction of estrogen, also comes an increased risk of blood sugar irregularities and Type 2 diabetes. Unfortunately, 1 in 3 women post menopausally will develop type 2 diabetes. As estrogen supports the pathways that regulate insulin...

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The Importance of Good Liver Function in Menopause

digestion Sep 26, 2019

 There are many changes in menopause that can affect the functioning of the liver and contribute to the development of liver disease. The most common being fatty liver disease. 


Estrogen exerts many liver-related...

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Bone Health in Menopause and Beyond

bone Sep 17, 2019

 Preventing osteoporosis should be a priority for all women. 

90% of your peak bone mass is acquired by 18 years of age in females and continues to increase until the age of 30. Women start to lose about 1% a year until menopause and...

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Headaches, Migraines and Menopause

headache Aug 27, 2019

 Fluctuating hormone levels can contribute towards increased headaches and migraines around perimenopause and menopause. If you suffered from hormonal headaches during your fertile years you are at a higher risk of head pain now. But in...

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Breast Health and Menopause

breast Aug 20, 2019


As you approach perimenopause, you may start to notice changes in your breasts. Some women discover lumps and bumps, others notice changes in size or texture, new sensitivity or discomfort. 

As your estrogen levels start to drop, you...

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Menopausal Memory

cognition Aug 13, 2019

Ever wondered why memory loss is sometimes associated with the menopausal transition?

It's because estrogen stimulates the growth of new neurons (brain cells), it strengthens dendrites and synapses (which are critical in transporting...

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Menopausal Weight

weight Aug 06, 2019


Weight gain is one of the most common complaints of perimenopause but it doesn’t need to be. Just like the rest of your menopausal symptoms your weight gain or in some women weight redistribution to be primarily around your abdomen...

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